Option 1 = Agree
Option 2 = Disagree
Simple enough:
\begin{equation} f^{combined} = \frac{\sum_{i = 1}^P f_i }{P} \end{equation}
But should we?
Yes we should
It works
in different circumstances and/or in different points in time:
Source: Forecasting day-ahead electricity prices
So, as we don't bet on the one horse in investments, we don't bet on the one horse here neither
It works in forecasting in the same manner it works when investing
That is the idea, but how to combine? (Down arrow)
$$ y_t = {\alpha} + \sum_{i = 1}^P {\beta_i} f_{i,t} +\varepsilon_t, $$
The combined forecast is then given by:
$$f^{comb} = \widehat{\alpha} + \sum_{i = 1}^P \widehat{\beta}_i f_i,$$
$$y_t = {\alpha} + \sum_{i = 1}^P {\beta_i} f_{i,t} +\varepsilon_t,$$ (as before)
But minimise the absolute loss function:$$\sum_t |\varepsilon_t|$$ instead of the squared loss function $$\sum_t {\varepsilon_t}^2$$
$$y_t = {\alpha} + \sum_{i = 1}^P {\beta_i} f_{i,t} +\varepsilon_t,$$
Minimise the squared loss function: $$\sum_i {\varepsilon_t}^2,$$ but under additional constraints: $\beta_i \geq 0, \; \forall i, \; \text{or}$ $\sum_{i = 1}^P \beta_i = 1, \; \text{or both} $$$ \operatorname {MSE_i} ={\frac {1}{T}}\sum _{t=1}^{T}({{f_{i,t}}} - y_{t})^{2} , $$
and combine the forecasts based on how well each individual is doing:
$$ f^c = \frac{\left(\frac{MSE_{i} }{\sum_{i = 1}^P MSE_{i}}\right)^{-1}}{\sum_{i = 1}^P \left(\frac{MSE_{i} }{\sum_{i = 1}^P MSE_{i}}\right)^{-1} } f_i = \frac{\frac{1}{MSE_{i}}}{\sum_{i=1}^P\frac{1}{MSE_{i}}} f_i $$
$$ f^c = w_i f_i, \quad \mbox{where} \qquad $$
$w_i = 1 \quad \mbox{if} \quad MSE_{i} < MSE_{-i} \quad \forall i \in \{1, \dots, P\} $
$ w_i = 0 \quad \mbox{otherwise} $
There are 14 attributes in each case of the dataset. They are:
Description of the Boston dataset Source: U.S Census Service
Individual forecasts (RMSE) |
Linear: 4.73 |
Principal component regression: 7.62 |
Boosting: 3.85 |
Random forests: 3.26 |
Support vector machine: 3.06 |
Neural network: 3.97 |
——————————————————————————————– |
Forecast Combinations (RMSE) |
Simple: 3.64 |
OLS : 2.77 |
LAD: 2.77 |
Variance based : 3.2 |
CLS : 2.95 |
BI: 3.06 |
“The current system emphasizes data on spending, but the bureau also collects data on income. In theory the two should match perfectly - a penny spent is a penny earned by someone else. But estimates of the two measures can diverge widely” [Aruoba et al., 2015]
$$ D_t = (1-\lambda) \sum_{t=1}^ \infty \lambda^{t-1} (\varepsilon_{t-1}\varepsilon^ \prime_{t-1}) = (1-\lambda)(\varepsilon_{t}\varepsilon^ \prime_{t})+\lambda D_{t-1} $$